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About this Seminar :
The role of the BIM manager has become extremely complex and significant ever since Singapore’s construction industry gets increasingly digitalized. This is a role that has evolved continuously since the time of Computer-aided design and drafting, and today, with information being the new currency for the digital world, the roles and responsibilities of a BIM Manager have expanded much bigger than what a CAD manager used to do. Join us at this session to learn more about the roles and responsibilities of a BIM Manager, how it relates to Integrated Digital Delivery Processes, how you can progress in your career as a BIM Manager, and some recommendations on qualification pathways to ensure that your skills as a BIM Manager are validated.

Seminar Details:

Date : 27 April 2023

Venue: BSI Innovation Lab, 71 Ayer Rajah Crescent, #01-07. Singapore 139952

Time: 2.00 pm = 5.30 pm

Program Details:
Time : 2.00 pm - 2.15 pm      Registration

Time :2.15 pm – 2.20 pm    Welcome

Time : 2.20 pm – 2.40 pm.    Speaker 1 - Sonny Andalis

Time : 2.40 pm – 3.00 pm     Speaker 2 - Vanessa Tang

Time : 3.00 pm – 3.20 pm     Break & Refreshment

Time : 3.20 pm – 3.40 pm     Speaker 3 - Valerie Tang

Time : 3.40 pm – 4.00 pm     Speaker 4 - Derek Lee

Time : 4.00 pm – 4.30 pm     Q&A followed by Panel Discussion

Time : 4.30 pm – 5.30 pm     Closing & Networking

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Topic: Role of BIM Manager in the Singapore Construction Industry
Speaker 1 : Sonny Andalis, Senior Executive BIM Manager, Surbana Jurong
Synopsis: The adoption of BIM in Singapore has evolved through the years from the initial BIM roadmap in 2010, the push for VDC in 2015, and the updated IDD roadmap of 2019. These innovations have intrinsically intertwined with the role of the BIM manager and recently launched Digital Delivery Manager accreditation as part of the construction industry transformation. This presentation will discuss the evolution of the role of the BIM Manager from the consultant, contractor, and client perspectives as they wear a variety of hats and different skill sets to match different project requirements and deliverables. The presentation will also highlight the benefits of international recognition of skills related to ISO19650 with BSI training and SIBL membership.
Topic: BIM Manager vs Digital Delivery Manager
Speaker 2 : Vanessa Tang, Managing Director, AcePLP
Synopsis: The job title of a “BIM Manager” is relatively new and was a term that originated from
the prolific use of CAD (Computer-aided design and drafting) tools. The construction industry has undergone major changes in a short period of time as it is disrupted by the innovative use of technology in this space. As technology continues to evolve rapidly, so too have careers in the Built Environment. The use of BIM has evolved significantly since the early years of BIM implementation in Singapore. Along with this, the role and expectations of a BIM Manager has evolved together with it. In this presentation, I will cover the roles and responsibilities of a BIM manager, and compare that to a newer term that you might have come across: the Digital Delivery Manager.
Topic: Training and Career Development for BIM Manager
Speaker 3 : Valerie Tang, Ace Industrial Academy, AcePLP
Synopsis: BIM Managers are at the forefront of maximizing construction efficiency and play a critical role in driving Singapore's sustainability goals. Faced with many possible digital solutions, how can BIM Managers make sense of the possibilities around them? In this talk, we will explore how BIM Managers can respond to project needs with speed and scale.
Topic: Introducing ISO 19650 BIM Qualification Pathways
Speaker 4 : Derek Lee, Business Development Manager, BSI Group Singapore
Synopsis: Do you have the right skills within your organization to meet current or future BIM projects? As BIM becomes business as usual, how can you ensure the competency of your teams and consistency on BIM projects? Completing BSI’s BIM qualification pathways will give you a BSI Mark of Trust, reassuring your organization, customers and suppliers that your skills have been validated. Find out more about how you can achieve BIM Practitioner, Professional or Certified Professional Qualifications.


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